Train with Jen Burdis
no matter where you are.
Online Workout Options
Level One
Level Two
Level Three
Level Four
Working out is new to me or I’m getting back into it. I like explicit slow instruction with feedback on form to be sure I’m performing exercises properly. This class pace is slower and fewer exercises to perform than higher level classes to ensure proper instruction and feedback to build a foundation of successful and sustainable habits. There are still opportunities to get my heart rate up for shorter intervals of time ranging from 30-40 seconds with more rest time than in more advanced classes. This class uses beginner body-weight exercises with modifications, light to medium dumbbells, and a stability ball.
I consider myself to have a fitness routine or foundation. I like explicit instruction with feedback on form to be sure I’m performing exercises properly. Class pace is moderate to fast with more exercises and reps to perform than the beginner level to continue to build a strength and stamina foundation. There are plenty of opportunities to get my heart rate up for intervals ranging from 30 seconds to one minute. The class uses progressive body-weight exercises, light to more medium dumbbells, and a stability ball with some new, challenging exercises and some isometric holds and inversions.
I consider myself to have a strong fitness routine and solid foundation of strength and stamina. I do challenging workouts 3 days a week or more. I like explicit instruction with feedback on form to be sure I’m performing exercises properly. Class pace is fast with more exercises and reps to perform on interval training days than the previous level to continue to build strength and stamina which is the focus of this level. There are plenty of opportunities to get my heart rate up for intervals ranging from 30 seconds to three minutes to work on stamina. This class uses progressive bodyweight exercises, medium to heavy dumbbells, a stability ball or Bosu Ball with challenging exercises, some isometric holds and inversions, and a pull up bar with modifications for exercises.
Please contact Jen directly to get more information about Advanced Online Training Pricing & Schedule
It’s my job or it’s in me to have the strongest fitness routine because being my best applies to everything I do in life. I understand that even if I have this philosophy there are progressive strength, skill based, and stamina exercises I need to develop before working out at this level. I still like and appreciate explicit instruction with feedback on form to be sure I’m performing exercises properly. Class pace pushes my limits with fast explosive movements and sometimes that means more exercises and reps to perform than the previous class levels on high intensity interval training days. The focus of this level is building explosive power, agility, and stamina. There are plenty of opportunities to get my heart rate up. This class uses challenging and dynamic body-weight exercises, heavy dumbbells, an agility ladder, plyometric training, a stability or Bosu Ball and challenging exercises on the pull up bar.